Our Student Support Department Operates throughout the Year and answers every query of the Student and attends to their needs instantly.
1.What is the Legal & Recognition Status of Einstein International University?
Einstein International University is an Indo US Joint Venture and is a Global University operating on the Principles of Distance Education.
The University is fully accredited by Accreditation Commission International, USA.
The University's parent body Institute for Academic Excellence & Strategic Research is an ISO Certified Institution, which is also being Incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956, to function as an autonomous body to issue legally valid degrees.
It is currently being incorporated as EIU Corporation at New York, USA.
2. Can I see the Certificates of Degrees of Einstein International University?
Yes. You can see the previews online. We can also send you transcripts.
3. What is the Verification procedure and process of the Certificates?
Once you qualify to receive a Degree, your name and registration number is uploaded on the website for easy verification by Employers etc., All further queries are answered through email and written replies are also sent to those making bonafide enquiries. There are dedicated staff to answer queries through email throughout the year.
4. Are Einstein Degrees recognized by respective Governments of various States?
The International Foreign Universities do not come under the purview of UGC, AICTE or such other legislations, since they operate on International Distance Education principles and are hence internationally accredited. At the same time, there are no worldwide agreed upon standards for accreditation and recognition.
The managements of various MNCs and Private Companies have accepted the Degrees of our Students. Several students from the Defence and Armed Forces of various countries are our students. Various Public Sector bodies too have their students with us worldwide.
5. What are the Courses available and duration of each Course?
The list of courses are already uploaded on our website www.einsteininternationaluniversity.org
However our Department of Academic Research adds additional courses based on the current market trends and the same is updated to our Students.
The Maximum duration for Every Course is 4 years and the Minimum duration is 1 year. However each Student must complete 80 credit units of Study independently.
6. Are the University Courses fast tracked?
The University Courses are fast tracked in cases where the Student had already carried out similar studies elsewhere or has minimum professional and life experience.
7. Whether the University issues any Study Material/Books etc.,?
The University, to start with, guides all the Students with the Basic Syllabus, Model Questions and the Examination procedure etc., and E Books are mailed to the Students. In specific cases relevant Text Books are provided on a reasonable extra cost.
8. How are the Exams Conducted and how frequently they are conducted?
All Exams are conducted Online every month and results announced within a week. Grades are given based on the performance. More opportunities are given to improve the performance of students if they so desire.
9. What kind of guidance and coaching provided to Students?
Each student is attached to a Guide/Expert for individual guidance without any extra cost. Classes are also conducted in small batches.
10. What is the Procedure for Ph.D aspirants/Researchers?
There will be no examination for Ph.D Students. Initially, they need to submit a Synopsis on their Area of Research and on acceptance they need to submit a fully researched Thesis running from 150 to 200 Pages, and submit the same through a CD and a Printed Copy. There will be an individual Guide for each Student.
11. What is the difference between Einstein University and the Traditional Government University?
Einstein University Courses and subjects are designed to meet the individual and global standards and requirements through convenient Home Study and are not full time Campus studies like in Traditional Universities.
The award of Degrees will be fair and purely on merit and individual background. There is no long waiting time and other factors that decide a Students future.
12. Whether Einsteins Certificates can be Attested and Notarised?
Yes the Degrees of our University can be Notarised by `Notary Public` or Gazetted Govt., Officer. The Degrees can also be attested by respective Embassies or Foreign Affairs Ministry based on the Rules prevailing in the respective countries.
13. What are the fees payable for each Courses and is it listed in your Website? How are the Fees payable?
The fee varies from course to course and for each Degree based on the guidance and Study Material required. However the minimum fee payable is 750 USD for Graduate Degree Courses and vary for Higher Level Courses.
The fee can be paid through Installments through convenient payment procedures. All payments are duly acknowledged through proper receipts.
14. What all I receive from Einstein University upon Registration?
The University provides the following to each Student upon Registration
A Photo ID Card
Admission Certificate
Syllabus and Prospectus
A Free Dictionary
A Free Encyclopedia
This is unique only to Einstein International University
15. Is there a guarantee that the Degrees and Grades obtained from Einstein University are fully recognized and accepted by Every Government and Every University?
No. The parameters and factors for acceptance of a Degree is a variable factor. Not all Institutions may accept. You need to have a clear understanding of the facts. The University does not give false assurances about its legal status.
However the Degrees from Einstein University are 100% legal.
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1. All information text matter contents are the proprietary information of Einstein International University.
2. EIU Corporation is a legal entity in New York and the University's trademark is the sole copyright. Any piracy, copying, lifting the original information would invite legal action.