
Gene Ericksen is an associate professor of managerial economics and decision science at Einstein International University. He received his PhD in Management Science, holds a Bachelor and a Master degree. His research interests include operations management in general, and service operations and operations strategy in particular. Recently, Professor Ericksen has been studying models of information sharing among firms and customers both in service and retail settings. He is also conducting empirical studies to investigate time-based competition in the fast food industry as well as the factors contributing to emergency department overcrowding.

Professor Jean Adams joined the faculty at the Einstein International University in 2009. Prior to joining Einstein, she was a Research Fellow. Ms. Adams research interests include the theory of the firm, game theory, mechanism design and international relations. Her work in the theory of the firm elucidates how authority should be delegated within organizations. She also studied the pathological effects of peer review on project investment.

A distinguished scholar, David Klugman is the Professor of Corporate Ethics and Professor of Political Science and Economics at Einstein. He has been a member of the Einstein International University since 2008. Professor Klugman has published more than 60 papers in leading academic journals and edited volumes, and co-authored two volumes on political theory. His work focuses on positive political theory, political economy, social choice and applied game theory.

Susan Watts has been working at the Einstein International University Faculty for the past three years. Prior to this, she received a Bachelor of Science degree in forestry and master and doctoral degrees in forest entomology. She became a Registered Professional Forester in 1991. She has been actively involved in the collection and analysis of data pertaining to forest sector. More recently she was involved with updating information on the status of forestry research. In 2005 she co-edited the text book Forestry Handbook in its fifth edition.

Dr. Eric Wang of Computer and Information Science began his career at Einstein in 2008 after three years as a regular faculty. He received his undergraduate degree in electrical engineering, his Masters degree and his Ph.D. in the same subject. He has now redirected his energies to Human Modeling and Simulation and the Digital Media Design Program

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